TheRoad kids
- Wednesday Nights - Crosswalk - 6:15 to 7:30pm for babies thru 5th grade
- B.A.R.F Night - Bring a Real Friend Feburary 12. Red, White, & Pink Out
- Camp Edge Elementary - Completed 3rd - 5th grades. July 22nd-25th
- VBS - 3 year old-Completed 2nd Grade. June 2-5
theroad students
- Wednesday Nights
6:15pm - Student Connect Groups - Sunday Mornings
9:15am - Worship or Bible Study
10:30am - Bible Study - Impact Weekend - Grades 6-12. February 21st-22nd. Cost $45
T-shirt Registration due February 2, Final Deadline February 12. - Galentine's Party - February 15th 10am-12pm. Grades 6-12.
- Camp Inside Out w/ Mobile Missions Network - March 16th - 20th in Tulsa. Middle & High School teens, serve through evangelism and leadership at children's camps in Tulsa. Cost is $40. Sign up by February 16 in the foyer or at theroad.tv/reach
- Camp Edge MS - Completed 6th - 8th grades. July 22nd-25th
- Falls Creek - Completed 9th - 12th grades. July 7th-12th. Cost is $125
Young Adult Ministry [refuge]
- Refuge Worship - Tuesday nights at 7:00pm in the Student Area
- Young Adult Small Group - Sunday mornings at 11:45am in Room 212
- Camp In Out with Mobile Missions Network - March 16th - 20th in Tulsa. Cost is $40. Sign up by February 16 in the foyer or at theroad.tv/reach
July 8th -19th. Register until February 16 in the foyer or at theroad.tv/reach - WHIZ KIDS - We need more mentors/tutors/subs for the kids at Fred Factory Gardens. We meet Monday evenings during the school year from 5-7pm. For more information please contact the church office. (405.390.9002)
- Unshakeable - Cancer Support Group - Tuesday mornings at 10:00am at Fred’s Cafe. Led by Erin Willeford
- Spiritual Warfare Class - Sundays at 10:30am in Room 204 Led by Patsy Costner
- Mary Martha Bible Study - A study in John. Mondays @ 9:30 in Room 207. Led by Kathy Fetters
- Griefshare - Wednesday evenings 6:00-8:00pm in Room 213. Led by Linda Lowber
- Precept Upon Precept - Sundays at 5PM in Room 216. Led by Cindy Pippenger
- Women’s BRP Group - Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm in Room 208 or Sunday evenings at 5:00pm in the Commons Area
- Men’s BRP Groups - Tuesday nights at 7:00pm or Friday mornings at 6:00am in the Commons Area
- Divorce Care - Starting February 19 at 6:15PM in Missions Office
55+ Ministry
Sign up at the HUB to receive texts for all 55+ events & information or visit theroad.tv/text to sign up online
- Praisefest Branson Spring Encore - March 13-15
Cost - $419.00 pp double or $559 pp single and includes transportation, two nights lodging, four meals, and two Praisefest sessions.
Balance Due February 11 - 55+ Birthday Fellowship - Join the fun Thursday, February 13th at 11:00AM in the Youth Area. Enjoy Stew, Cornbread, & Cake. Cost is $5
To register visit the HUB
General annoucements
- Texting Groups - Visit theroad.tv/text to get signed up so you don't miss what's going on at TheRoad!
- Starting Point - Come learn about our mission, values, discipleship process, membership and get your questions answered about our church. Visit theroad.tv/startingpoint for more information and to sign up for our next class
- Greeters Needed - for the 11:45am service. Email mark@theroad.tv for information
- Sign Language Interpreter - now available at our 9:15 service for our deaf & hearing impaired community
- Connect Group Leadership Meeting - Sunday February 9 at 11:45am in Room 207
Upcoming Events
- Women's Testify Conference 2025 - Mark your calendars for February 7th! Tickets on sale now
- ReCharge Marriage Retreat
SOLD OUT - @Falls Creek February 28- March 1.
For more information click here