Connect Groups
Connect Groups are the heartbeat of TheRoad. With so many people in our church family, we believe that Connect Groups play a foundational role in keeping you connected closely to a group of brothers and sisters in Christ.
We consistently have about 1500 in the building every week. Because of our growth we feel that you must be connected to a smaller group. Our smaller groups are called Connect Groups. Connect Groups are groups of people that regularly meet up, talk about life, God, or the Bible, and simply do life together! As our church grows, connect groups are key in making it feel small and ensuring that every individual is connected. We get to know each other. We fellowship and encourage each other. We minister to each other through our groups. We encourage you to be in a Connect Group to learn and grow together.
We have Connect Groups for all ages that meet on Sunday mornings and at various times and places throughout the week. There are lists of our groups at the Welcome Center. The folks at the Welcome Center can help you and lead you to one of our Sunday Morning groups. We urge each of you to find a Connect Group to plant your life in.

Sunday Morning Connect Groups
Sunday 8:00am
- Birth thru 5th Grade in the Children’s Building
Sunday 9:15am
- Birth thru 5th Grade in the Children’s Building
- Youth 6-12th | TheWay YouthRoom | CRBC Youth
- Adults | Room 207 | Dean Gunter | Spiritual Growth
- Senior Adults | Room 214 | Carlos Cascante | Spiritual Growth
- Young Adult Single Ladies | Room 208 | Tuca Ogle | Spiritual Growth
- Adults in their 60’s | Room 212 | Chris Schultingkempter | Explore the Bible
- Adults 60’s + | Room 205 | Jane Cruz | Explore the Bible
- Medium Adult Couples | Room 218 | David Ballew
- Women 60’s + | Room 204 | Linda Hathcock | Explore the Bible
- Adults 20-30’s | Room 216 | Gary Eubanks | Essential Beliefs of Faith
- Senior Adult Women 55+ | Room 202 | Kathy Fetters/Debbie Dyche | Explore the Bible
- Adults 20-40’s | 209-211 | Ray & Becky Stokes | Spiritual Growth
- Adults | Room 206 | Mike Griffin | Spiritual Growth
- Senior Adults 60’s + | Room 213 | Bob Ferguson/Mark Cordray
Sunday 10:30am
- Birth thru 5th Grade in the Children’s Building
- Youth 6th – 12th grade | TheWay YouthRoom (Youth Connect Groups Wednesday Nights)
- Middle School Girls | 208 | Rachel Kelley
- High School Students | Room 207 | Elijah Mire | (9th-12th grade)
- Adults in their 40’s | Room 205 | Steve Keiffer | Spiritual Growth
- Young Adults 24-40’s | Room 204 | Guy & Becky Worth | Masterworks
- Median Adults 30’s-40’s | Room 209-211 | Gavin Evans | Spiritual Growth
- Generation Next 20’s | Room 216 | Jeremy Hughey
- Median Adults 30-40’s | Room 202 | Ted & Celia Grinnell | Explore the Bible
- Adults 40-60’s | Room 206 | Al Young | Spiritual Growth
- Married Adult 45’s + | Room 214 | Karen Cook/Carroll Jackson | Spiritual Growth
- Median Adult Women 30-60’s | Room 213 | Donna Dillahunty | Spiritual Growth
- Median Adults | Room 212 | Rod & Nancy Vernon
Sunday 11:45am
- Birth thru 5th Grade in the Children’s Building
- Young Adult Study | Room 212 | Elijah Seth Micheal Mire
- Premarital Class | Room 214 | Bill & Jane Christen
Off Campus Connect Groups
Sunday Evenings, 6:00 pm – 5200 Old Lantern Way, Choctaw led by Pat Parish
Weekday Connect Groups
Sunday, 5:00 pm
Sunday, 6:00 pm
Monday, 9:00am
Tuesday, 9:30am
First Wednesday of each month 10:00am
Wednesday, 6:00 pm
Wednesday, 6:30pm
- Life Changing Bible Study – led by Darren Herdman in room 212
- WOW – Worship on Wednesday
Thursday, 1:00 pm
Senior Adult Ministry
Our 55+Adults are a great group of seniors that are very active and on the go all the time. They love to get together for ministry and fellowship any time they can. Anyone over 55 (or close) is encouraged get involved.
They have a fellowship & ministry luncheon on the 2nd Thursday of each month and many other activities and ministries like our monthly Yak and Tack Sewing Circle where they make quilts for folks in nursing homes.
Activities include day trips, fellowships, game nights, Bluegrass ‘N Barbecue and Community Thanksgiving Dinner.
We also visit and minister to our home bounds and have a planning committee that oversees that and other 55+Adult ministries and events.
The Community Gospel Choir includes adults from several churches in the community. They visit and sing and share the gospel at retirement centers and nursing homes and churches in the area. If you sing, come join us at 6:30pm on Tuesday nights for choir.