Single Parenting Facts
Single Parent Families are families. Not ½ a family, but a family. This is the family God knows you have and loves and provides for you and your children.
You are not parenting alone. You have the support of this church, multiple organizations and most.
We are all at different places. Some new single parents, some experienced.
We are BUSY! Come when you can, but commit to be involved.

Single Parent Ministry
The Single Parenting Ministry at the Road is for anyone raising children alone regardless of the reason. Whether you are widowed, divorced, separated or never married parents; our goal is to encourage, support, and equip single families to raise Godly children.
Led by two former single parents. We are not experts, but we’ve been there. In this group, we learn from each other and our experiences.

When We Meet
All Single Parents:
Sunday Mornings: 10 AM
Child Care Provided
Single Moms:
2nd Sunday of the month
5:00 to 6:30 PM
Meal and Child Care Provided