On-Ramps to Missions at TheRoad
To get involved, contact us via phone:  (405) 390-9002 or by email:
  • EOCRCEastern Oklahoma County Resource Center – Started by TheRoad, EOCRC now collaborates with area churches to provided food, clothing, and assistance to the poor and powerless in our community. There is always a place  to serve right here in our own backyard!
  • Mable Bassett Correctional Center  A female medium/minimum security facility offering education, substance abuse help, and career tech skills.  TheRoad member Linda O’Dell has been sending written letters to inmates here for 20+ years.  A Great opportunity here for letter writers!
  • Eden Clinic – Crisis Pregnancy Center for young single moms.  Offers reproductive healthcare and pregnancy wellness services. We have been able to offer other contributions through filling baby bottles with money and donating baby items to the Clinic.  This is an opportunity for women to donate their time to encourage and mentor!
  • Vine and Branches Ministries  A missions opportunity to Piedras Negras, Mexico. TheRoad takes a group each year to serve the poor and powerless with food, clothing, and meeting community needs.  You will be equipped to share the Gospel of Christ.  A well ran organization and a great opportunity to share Hope with the least of these!
  • Whiz Kids - Our successful ongoing weekly ministry outside the church walls, mentoring/tutoring kids living at Fred Factory Gardens (a lower income housing district).  There are currently 26 school age kids who live at Fred Factory who need a mentor/tutor!
  • Fred Factory Gardens – TheRoad has been in this  lower income community for several years, providing  Family Fun Days/Block Parties, offering rides on Sundays, hosting Camp Inside Out for all kids age 4-12th grade, and of course providing Whiz Kids tutoring at FFG each week!
  • Jesus House- TheRoad will take a group to this Recovery Based Christ Centered organization in downtown OKC on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to do their chapel service. People from our church will lead worship, and a Roadie will share their testimony each month!
  • Bill Glass Prison Ministry-  Want a front row seat to watch God at work? Bill Glass (Behind The Walls) prison ministry will train you to share your faith, then give you a built-in opportunity to bring that light to a dark place! We plan to take a group  from TheRoad soon to an event in OKC.
  • Centerwill-  is a ministry currently working out of Meru, Kenya (Africa) that focuses on three basic Biblical principles…. Making disciple, Caring for Orphans, & Caring for Widows. TheRoad is planning a trip there to help them share the Gospel and care for the least of these.
  • The Road’s overflow end of year giving- in addition to our other opportunities, 
    • Our missionaries- TheRoad supports several missionaries all over the world who have ties to our church.  We will highlight them throughout the year. Due to the potential risk, no links are available. 

    • Little Light Christian School All students enrolled have one or both parents who are incarcerated. LLCS provides hope, a safe place, food, transportation, school supplies, clothes, and a Christian education at no cost to the family. 

      • Mobile Missions Network Church Inside Out brings Jesus into mobile home communities in the Sand Springs, Sapulpa, and Tulsa areas.  MMN hosts teams to come and learn how to share their faith with others in their own communities.
      • Gideons- this is a classic, for good reason! Placing bibles in hotel rooms, public places, and shipping the Word Of God all over this world!
      • Leah’s Hope- based in Midwest City,  Leah’s Hope seeks to empower women and families who are struggling and seeking a better life. helping them experience success through transitional housing and family strengthening resources.

      • Hope Is Alive-  An addiction recovery center in Oklahoma City , HIA exists to help  Radically Change the lives of drug addicts, alcoholics, and those that love them.
      • American Indian Criminal Justice Navigation Council (AICJNC), a nonprofit in Oklahoma aimed at reducing recidivism among tribal members and helping reduce the trauma family members endure as a result. 

      • Grace Rescue Mission – An Emergency Shelter housing 100 men a night.  Serves 400-600 meals to the community daily, offers addiction programs, back to work help, education, security and the Love of Christ.