Dear Church Family,
I am excited to share with you our plans to begin transitioning back to on campus worship. Before I reveal specifics, let me remind you of a principle that we often refer to when talking about the future—“We make plans, not promises.” In making our plans we understand that there are many unforeseen possibilities that could unfold. As you look at these plans please understand that things may move slower or faster than our plan. The great news is that we are extremely flexible and can make those changes if necessary very quickly.
We will begin meeting in June on Sundays at 8, 9:15 and 10:30. As we determine what crowds will look like we will adjust services as needed. Below are the dates for our transition and an explanation of what that transition will look like:
June 7th and 14th Family Worship, no childcare available.
June 21st Children’s ministry and childcare begin.
July 1st All normal on campus activities resume.
The following changes will be in place for the month of June. Worship services will be 45 minutes in order to allow for cleaning between services. Attendance will be limited to 250 in the main auditorium. When we reach that limit we will use the Youth Area for overflow. Please do not enter the building until 10 minutes before service time. At this time we will not be serving food or coffee. We are doing our best to make worship a safe and comfortable experience. That is our responsibility.
What is your responsibility? Stay home if you do not feel well. Take responsibility for maintaining a safe social distance. If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, please do so. If you have concerns about meeting on campus, please continue to watch our online services until such time as you feel comfortable returning.
We are excited about returning to normal! We have missed connecting in person and can’t wait to gather again! Be sure to watch Facebook for more information.
Have a great week!
Bro. Rick